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Polishing God’s Monuments, 3rd Edition

$7.99 ebook / $16.49 softcover

Polishing God’s Monuments is the true story of a young woman and her devoted husband who face it all (and then some) as a baffling, mind-boggling illness hijacks their youth and shatters their dreams. Polishing God’s Monuments blends straightforward theology with the account of this young couple’s afflictions.

The Finality of Jesus Christ – Exploding the Many-Roads-To-God Myth

$2.99 ebook/ $6.49 softcover / $21.49 bundle of 5 softcover

Pluralism, the notion there are many paths to God’s acceptance, is the reigning fashion today. Unthinkably, that concession is even leaking into the mindset of some Christians. Was Jesus mistaken when He claimed to be “… the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6)?

Dispatches from the Front Lines – Reflections on the Glory and Grind of Pastoral Ministry, 2nd Edition

$9.99 ebook/ $19.50 softcover 

Dispatches from the Front Lines: Reflections on the Glory and Grind of Pastoral Ministry is what Pastor Jim Andrews calls his “legacy book.” This revised volume represents the harvest of insight and wisdom from over a half-century of pastoring and teaching pastoral students. While written primarily for pastors, this volume contains a wealth of principles and perspectives that will aid the walk of any believer who seriously intends to follow Christ, especially those who aspire to lay leadership in the church. For pastors, this work can shorten the learning curve for novices and perhaps even strengthen the vocational resolve of veterans as well.

Marriage Without Remorse – Rules for the Road

$7.99 ebook/ $16.49 softcover

Marriage does not have to be a bummer. There is nothing wrong with the divine institution; there is often much wrong with our execution. Marriage without remorse is not an accident. More often than not, it is our persistent foolishness and our sins that turn what God intends for a blessing into a chronic burden. Follow the rules for the road and marriage can be a taste of heaven on earth.

And what about those marriages already in trouble? They can be salvaged if both partners will reset and resolutely adhere to the rules for the road. With mutual commitment, i.e. both spouses going all-in, marital harmony and happiness can be restored, though not on the cheap and probably not overnight. For those spouses whose efforts to sustain their marriages are largely and sadly one-sided projects, the author offers encouragement and coping advice.

A Life Worth Dying For

*This book is out of print due to updating. Please check back later to purchase. Free Sample available.

This is a book for those disciples of Jesus Christ who, by hardwiring, are scandalized by mediocrity and always feel this inner imperative to transcend the ordinary. In their souls is a holy rumbling of a divine discontent. Yet in that temperament is a high risk of a “bunny trail” that can throw the believer seriously off the scent of true Christian excellence. Far from running out in the race of life and proving that we little Davids can run with the world’s Goliaths, the radical meaning of Christian excellence, it is argued, is altogether different. In this informal philosophy of Christian excellence, the true target of achievement turns out to be not so much excelling at all the things we do (in the conventional sense), but drawing a bead on what we are called to be in Christ.

So, for us Christians, pursuing excellence is not really about piling up accolades for our various skills and talents, harvesting trophies and pinning up ribbons and earning plaques to celebrate our achievements. Rather, it is (by the grace of God) exerting ourselves to live in radical conformity to Christ.

Jim Andrews, Senior Pastor, Lake Bible Church

Church Phone: 503-699-9840

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Lake Bible Church
Attn: Olsie Andrews
4565 Carman Drive
Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035