Dispatches from the Front Lines


Time-Tested Insights Forged from Seasoned Pastoral Experience

…an indispensable tool for effective front-line ministry.

Randy Adams

2nd Edition Are you battle weary? Are you daunted by the task before you, either as a new pastor or as an established one facing church conflict? Then this volume, which represents 52 years (and counting) in pastoral and academic ministry, is just what you need. The author imparts a wealth of hard-won wisdom, insights, perspetives, principles and practices that can shorten the learning curve of novice pastors and perhaps even strengthen the vocational resolve of veterans as well.


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Jim Andrews, Senior Pastor, Lake Bible Church

Email: jima@lakebiblechurch.com
Church Phone: 503-699-9840

Inquiries about the books

Stacy Olson
Email: info@jimandrewsbooks.com

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Lake Bible Church
Attn: Olsie Andrews
4565 Carman Drive
Lake Oswego, Oregon 97035