Same Sex Marriage: A Pastoral Statement

Recently two media people called me and invited my comments on so-called ‘same sex’ marriages. It seemed appropriate for me to state for the record our position on this socially critical moral issue. First of all, let me talk about tolerance. Tolerance is accepting...

Parable of the bucket

Once upon a time there was an oasis in a certain desert. Water there was ample to appease the thirst of the parched travelers who stopped by. The well was deep, the water cool and shimmering with pristine purity. The drawers were always standing by to fill the buckets...

In Science we Trust

On the internet recently (5-20-13) I stumbled across a Yahoo! news headline blaring that a father was losing his religion apparently and was now  raising his children to believe in Science rather than in God.  That story was just a reminder that among the pantheon of...